Graduate Program Requirements and Additional Information
View current requirements sheets (UCSB General Catalog)
If admitted without an M.A. in East Asian Studies…
Students are required to complete 60 units of course work (graduate level courses and upper division courses) for the M.A. degree, successfully pass field exams (three fields and three courses for each field; 9 courses in total), and write an M.A. thesis. In the first two years, such students complete the course work for Plan 1 of the M.A. degree (60 units), with a minimum GPA of 3.75. In addition, students complete 24 units (6 courses) of graduate level work beyond those taken for the M.A. Hence, the total number of courses required is 21; the total number of graduate level courses is 12.
By the end of the third year, students should be completing their course work in 3 graduate program specializations, with a 4th optional. A specialization is fulfilled by taking a minimum of 3 graduate level courses associated with one specialization (for a list of specializations, see below). Thus, a minimum of 9 courses (out of the 21) are needed to fulfill the 3 specializations. Most students will begin this course work in their first two years of study. Note that while the core graduate seminars are mandatory for all graduate students, they do not count toward any of the specializations.
Courses required for field exams must be graduate-level courses (upper division courses do not count). In choosing fields, students are encouraged to review the emphases listed on the left sidebar of this page and consult their main adviser. There is a lot of flexibility in choosing your field among these specializations. We list 5 specializations by general headings but after consultation with their adviser a student may form two fields from just one such specialization.”
If admitted with an M.A. in East Asian Studies…
Students are required to complete the 3 core seminars and the minimum of 9 courses to satisfy the 3 specializations for a total of 13 courses.
More Information About…
Language Training
Core Graduate Seminars
Foreign Language Requirement
Dissertation Prospectus
Field Examinations
Oral Defense. The oral defense will take 2-3 hours. It will begin with students’ presentation (approximately 20 minutes) and will be followed by questions from dissertation committee. After the defense, the committee will briefly deliberate and determine the result at once. The defense will be open to other graduate students and faculty. While Zoom or Skype may be used as an alternative for faculty members, the student and the Chair of the committee will normally be required to be present. However, under special circumstances, arrangements may be made after consulting the graduate committee. This policy applies to students admitted Fall 2014 and after.
Normative Time. The normative time for completion of the Ph.D. will be six to seven years, depending on the level of East Asian language training at the time of admission and the need for time spent in East Asia doing dissertation research. We expect that most students will finish their degree within six years, and those admitted with a prior M.A. will finish in five years, while those admitted without a prior M.A. and with minimal prior foreign language study will need part or all of the seventh year to finish.
Funding Policy
Language Evaluation
Other Departments and Programs.The program has extensive links through cross-listed courses and faculty affiliations with other departments and programs at UC Santa Barbara, including History, Film & Media Studies, Art History, Comparative Literature, UCSB Theater & Dance, Music, and Religious Studies. Students are encouraged to take courses outside the Department and to create their own interdepartmental specializations.